Reconstruction of post-burn anterior neck contractures using a butterfly design free anterolateral thigh perforator flap

Hanan L, Lonjon G, Lellouch AG, Haddad K, Arago E, Hivelin M, Lantieri L Omental flap for treatment of spondylodiscitis with lumbosacral dehiscence : A case report September 2019 Annales de Chirurgie Plastique Esthétique DOI: 10.1016/j.anplas.2019.09.002

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Anterior neck burns represent a major reconstructive challenge due to severe sequalae including restriction in movement and poor aesthetic outcomes. Common treatment options include skin grafting with/without dermal matrices, and loco-regional and distant free flap transfers with/without prior tissue expansion. Such variation in technique is largely influenced by the extent of burn injury requiring resurfacing. In order to optimize like-for-like reconstruction of the anterior neck, use of wide, thin and long flaps such as the anterolateral thigh (ALT) perforator flap have been reported with promising results. Of note, some patients have a tendency towards severe scar contractures, which may be contributed by the greater extent of inflammation during wound healing. We report our experience at 4 years’ follow-up after secondary reconstruction of severe, anterior neck burn contractures in two patients by harvesting the ALT flap with a butterfly design. This technique provides adequate wound resurfacing of the burned neck and surrounding areas, and provides good neck extensibility by addressing both anterior and lateral aspects of the scar defect simultaneously. Such a flap design reduces tension on wound edges and thus, the risk of contracture recurrence in what remains a particularly challenging type of burn reconstruction.